Standup Comedy
Comedy @ Tip Top Bar 11/15/18
Talking about my disgusting dog and loving my girlfriend at Improv Boston 5/19/18
Stand up at QED Astoria 10/19/18
Talking about Sex Toys and singing a Die Hard Christmas Carol at Side Pony Tail 12/23/17
Talking about loving my girlfriend and hating one-night stands 8/29/17
My Half Hour recorded 5/15/16 at Niagara Bar in NYC
In 2015, my roommate passed away. I talked about it for my set at Comedy as a Second Language on 7/9/15.
Chris Calogero is a comedian/actor/writer. He’s been featured in The New York Times, Funny or Die, Vice, Fusion TV, Paste Magazine, and AOL’s 2 Point Lead web series. He has performed in the Cape Fear Comedy Festival, What a Joke National Comedy Festival, The Brooklyn Comedy Festival, and More. Chris recently appeared in commercials for SingleCare and Air Lift. Though he currently resides in Los Angeles he is originally from New Jersey and he would absolutely love to hear your sandwich opinions. His debit comedy album, "Husky Boy, comes out on August 29th 2024.
Upcoming Shows
In The News!

My twitter videos were profiled on Paste Magazine

I was profiled on Funny Or Die For my "Movie Guy" videos! Check it here!

My twitter videos were also featured on Off The Wire here!
Photo by Jordan Rathkopf
The Brooklyn Paper Interviewed me about my Pooping your pants show!
My Show "Uh-Oh! Stories from People Who Pooped Their Pants Featured in The Chicago Tribune
Obama Meets Marc Maron memes featured on Laughspin

My Acting Reel
"A Die Hard Christmas Carol" Music Video
Learn to speak the beautiful language of North Jersey with Vito!
Here I am crushing a chili cook off on GMA Day!
I talked to VICE about cuddling!
The Purge: The Day After. A sketch about what happens AFTER the day when all crime is legal
I went out to Union Square and talked to people about Rejection. Check it out!
I talked to AOL's 2 Point Lead about an infamous day in Jets history
One part of a series called "Sign Here, Please," which I made with comedians Ahri Findling and Christy Coffey
Mourning Coffee
Mourning Coffee was a podcast where I talked to comedians and creative types about how they deal with mourning, grief, loss, and death in their everyday lives. I began the podcast in the aftermath of losing my best friend and roommate, Amy Daulton, to suicide. I recorded over 100 episodes of the show and the entire archive can be found on the Mourning Coffee website here.
You can listen to the entire run of the podcast on Apple Podcasts here.

Not Quite Midnight
With comedian Courtney Maginnis, I co-produce and co-host a kitschy, self-aware version of a traditional late night talk show. At Not Quite Midnight, we introduce our favorite comedians for short performances, then take them to the couch to get to the bottom of their jokes. Like and Follow us on Facebook
Here's the opening sketch for our one year anniversary show.

Photo by David L. Byrd

Photo by Mindy Tucker

Photo By Jenni Walkowiak

Photo by Dee Guerreros

Photo by Mindy Tucker

Photo by Joe Karg
Contact Me
For comedy/writing jobs, show bookings, or press feel free to email me at Chris.Calogero@gmail.com.
To follow and connect on Twitter, Instagram, or Tik Tok find me at @RealChrisCal.